What We Do

Our team of professionals is ready to come together and share their expertise on related topics. By joining our group, participants will not only have an opportunity to voice their ideas but also engage in stimulating conversations about other exciting subjects. Our team of professionals is ready to come together and share their expertise on related topics. By joining our group, participants will not only have an opportunity to voice their ideas but also engage in stimulating conversations about other exciting subjects.

Economics & Finance

Business & Management

Political Engagements & Perspectives

Climate & Energy Research

Trading & Free Markets

IT research studies

Human & Life Sciences



This area studies how individuals, businesses, governments, & other organizations allocate scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited wants & needs.

Business Management

It involves planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling resources to effectively manage people, processes, and projects.


It involves the study of power, governance, and public policy at all levels of government, including local, national, and international.


The practice of buying & selling goods or financial assets with the goal of making a profit. It can refer to a variety of markets, including stocks, currencies, etc.

IT Professionals

IT professionals play a critical role in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. From designing & implementing complex systems to ensuring the security & integrity of data,


This area studies effective teaching methods and educational technologies that equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in a rapidly evolving 21st-century economy

Human Sciences

Philosophy & Theology

Cultural & Global Perspectives

Mathematical & Physical Sciences

Life Sciences

Character Virtue Developement

Individual Freedom & Free Markets

Public Engagement

Civil Military Relations


Climate & Energy

Post-Covid Economic Impacts

Plan, Forecast, & Manage

We help countries, institutions, and individuals navigate the often challenging global landscape by providing innovative strategies and analyzing international issues. We equip emerging scholar-practitioners with the necessary skills to tackle difficult problems while striving for lasting peace across societies.

Windear Consulting is dedicated to protecting peace and helping solve global issues. Its team of experienced international scholar-practitioners use strategic ideas, independent analysis, and diplomacy to guide countries in navigating a complex world full of obstacles. They also train the next generation so that these difficult challenges can be met with continued success for years to come.

Windear Consulting

Frequently Asked Questions

Grant FAQ

Common questions concerning the grantmaking process, our funding areas, and timelines. For additional questions or inquiries, please contact hello@windearconsulting.com

What types of projects does the Windear fund?

The Windear Consulting Group funds projects in a wide range of fields related to science, philosophy, theology, and other disciplines that explore the “big questions” of human life. Some of our key funding areas include character virtue development, individual freedom and free markets, genetics and human dignity, and more.

How can I apply for a grant from Windear Group?

To apply for a grant from the Windear Consulting Group, you will need to submit a letter of inquiry through our online portal. If your project aligns with our mission and funding priorities, we will invite you to submit a full proposal.